Advanced Separation Anxiety Shadowing Program

And it's about time to return with a new Separation Anxiety Shadowing Program, but this time with a twist! 

If you are already familiar with the CSAT separation anxiety desensitization protocol, and would like to continue learning about what happens next the Advanced Shadowing Program is the perfect way. 

This program will take you through four weeks of daily training of an ongoing separation anxiety case. This time the training won't start from scratch but after one year of implementing the separation anxiety desensitization protocol.

You will be able to see all the training twists and turns, the strategy choices along the way, the ups and downs, and so much more. This program will help you expand your knowledge, and learn how to navigate a separation anxiety case on later stages of the journey, how to problem solve, and how to customize your training as the behaviors evolve based on each individual.

This program is available ON DEMAND and you will have access to all the material for one year after the purchase date. 

*It is recommended to be familiar with the CSAT separation anxiety desensitization protocol before taking this webinar.

Watch the free preview HERE.

Meet Murphy and his Family

Murphy is a 2-yr old Miniature Poodle who suffers from clinical separation anxiety. His family which includes Mia, Kevin, Ailish, and Caia, have been working for one year on a separation anxiety training protocol to help him overcome this disorder. After one year of training and management he still struggles with being separated from Mia, his hyper-attachment figure, but he has made great progress and he is currently able to stay home alone for up to 30min. Medication changes, implementation of a "predictable approach", and many other twists and turns have helped him evolve into what you will be able to witness now.

What is included?

  • 2-hr webinar: "Murphy's Separation Anxiety Training Journey" by Dr. Moira Hechenleitner, DVM, CSAT and with the participation of one of Murphy's guardians, Mia.

  • Access to four 90-min reassessment meetings with Murphy's guardian and with Moira.

  • Recording of the 30-min Q&A sessions that happened after every reassessment meeting.

  • Access to Murphy's separation anxiety training spreadsheet that documents the whole year of training plus the daily missions that were designed during the four weeks of the shadowing program.

  • Access to the recordings and all materials for one year after the purchase date.

  • 8 CEUs for IAABC and KPA, 8 CEUs for CCPDT.